Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Juliet Cap Veil DIY Update #3

Hey there!  It's been a while since I've posted.  Life has gotten a little crazy what with my wedding coming up in the next month and three work related overseas tours coming up over the next three months.  I'm afraid I don't think I will have as much time or energy as I'd like for blogging but I definitely hope to have a little catch up from time to time.  When things calm down I would definitely like to start posting more regularly again so I hope you don't give up on me!

Something I thought I would give a little update about it how my veil has been coming along.  Since I posted my last update I have sewn the appliqués on over the gathers.  I just applied them by lightly pinning them where I wanted them to sit carefully avoiding the embroidery and beads.  Once I was happy with their positioning I stitched them carefully on to the netting using a matching thread and making tiny stitches from the underside where I felt they would go unnoticed.

DIY wedding veil

 Once this was done I attached some cream ribbon to the underside of where the appliqués were sat.  I folded over the edges of the ribbon first and stitched them down to make it neater.  Then I stitched this across where I had gathered the netting.  I intend to use this ribbon to attach the veil to my hair with grips.

  Sorry for my messy hair in the photos but I wanted to show how the veil sat.  As you can see I sewed the ribbon down in a few places to make the grips more secure but I actually did it a bit tight and found it hard to slide the grips through without catching the netting underneath.  So I would recommend either sewing the ribbon looser or attaching the grips to the ribbon before you try to attach them to your hair.
So I think that's going to be the last update on the top part of my veil at least.  I hope you enjoyed these posts.  I can't wait to wear it at my wedding!
You can catch my other DIY veil posts here (update #2), here (update #1) and here.
Till next time

Twirlybirdie :)


  1. Well isn't this gorgeous. I love look of the appliqués. :]

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  2. Well isn't this gorgeous. I love look of the appliqués. :]

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  3. This is lovely!
    I'm looking to make one exactly like this, cathedral juliet but with a blusher ie veil covering the face.
    What width and length should I go for please?
