Monday, September 21, 2020

A Return to Blogging?

It has been a long time since I last wrote a blog post.  In that time I have become a Mum, alongside other life challenges such as returning to dance after the pregnancy and going through many related health issues.  As quite a different person from the woman who started this blog I have many questions with regards to how I might continue with it.  One major health issue I experienced during my pregnancy and after was quite severe eczema/ allergies, and even though the eczema has mostly calmed down now I still am left with incredibly sensitive skin.  This makes one of the main previous themes of this blog quite difficult to continue with.  My ability to test out and enjoy using cosmetics and skin care is now severely limited.  In particular lipstick is almost a no go area.  I’m still interested in things like baking and photography however now I have much less time for these activities between full time work and taking care of my daughter!  Despite the business of things the recent lockdown and my child becoming less of a baby and more of a toddler has perhaps provided space in my thoughts for my own personal development once again.  My interests may have changed but perhaps that is OK and rather than start a whole new blog, continuing this one and allowing it to change a bit in theme is a natural progression of growth as in life.  With all that is going on in the world writing a blog based on my limited and introspective experience of life seems a bit trite.  I hope a bit of normalcy and frivolity can be a necessary antidote to the apparent darkness surrounding us, and perhaps it is OK to escape the news from time to time and try and focus on small joys that we are fortunate to have and show in a way our gratefulness for them.  I do not know yet for sure what direction this blog will go in so for now I will leave this as a small introduction to a second beginning, what ever it might bring….